The Purpose of the Group

The Mull Deer Management Group (MDMG) is the coordinating authority for the control and welfare of wild deer on the island of Mull.  It comprises farmers, land owners, The Forestry Commission, communities and many others with an interest in the welfare and management of deer.


Deer exist naturally throughout Scotland and mature deer have no natural predator.  Although there are different species of deer in the United Kingdom, there are currently only two species on Mull.  Red deer are the largest mammal in the United Kingdom and they range extensively over the whole island.  Their numbers need to be controlled in the interest of their welfare and while taking into account public interest and Designated Sites.  Fallow deer also exist in smaller numbers and are mainly confined to two small areas on the island where their management is tightly controlled.


Necessary deer management is carried out using best practice and closely follows the guidelines of the Code of Deer Management, as set out by NatureScot, the responsible authority for deer management in Scotland.  Deer are managed to maintain habitats that are capable of supporting them in the wild and without causing predation into lowland agricultural areas.


Details of how deer are managed and the principles applied to their management is contained in the Deer Management Plan which is approved by NatureScot.


MDMG seeks to foster a greater understanding of the issues associated with deer management with the wider public interest.


MDMG meets in October and February to discuss issues relating to deer management on the Island.  The timing of the next meeting, to which the general public are invited,  is on the right of this page.



Deer Stalking Seasons

Red Deer

Stags   Open Season


Hinds    21st October - 15th February


Fallow Deer

Bucks   1st August - 30th April

Does     21st October - 15th February

Road Traffic Accidents

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident involving deer, please let us know.  We like to record these so that we can help prevent accidents in the future.


The next Meeting of The Mull Deer Management Group will be at the Salen Hotel on the 9th February 2025 at 12.30.

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© Timothy Laing